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Shop by design to find your perfect collar match

Handmade and Fabulous.

Every product is handcrafted by our very own skilled artisans who draw on years of specialist experience, a love of creativity, a passion for quality and a huge appreciation for functionality ... but with flair.

Black and white image of leather working tools
Circle of colourful leather collars arranged like a rainbow

Choose your style.  Choose your dimensions.  Choose your colours.

Create Unique

Beautifully handmade collars designed by you.

Beautifully handmade collars that are ready to go.

Our 'off the peg' section contains a selection of show stock collars and returns - all in perfect condition.


Shop by style to find the exact coat you are looking for.


Explore the collection

Our padded leather collars and leads are some of our most popular products as there

is huge scope for creativity and individuality.

Five leather collars arranged in a pile in colours of brown, black and cream
Five leather collars in a pile in colours for green, blue and orange
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Love it for longer

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Hand Stitching_edited.jpg

Extend the lifespan of your favourite collar or coat by sending it back to be repaired.

Whether you need some stitching redone, a tear patched, some metalwork replaced or a strap resown, we will gladly try to put a few more miles in your product.

Please get in touch to discuss


We have been lucky enough to dress some pretty stylish dogs over the past 30 years and simply love receiving pictures from you.

Please help us with our social media by tagging your beautiful creations as 


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